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Writer's pictureKerri Bryant


Confession time: I used to shy away from dreaming, preferring comfort over competition. This mindset hindered my athletic performance, academic success, and overall sense of direction. I labeled myself a realist, settling for less, making mistakes to please others, and leaving many things unfinished. In my early 20s, I found myself in leadership roles I was unprepared for and never sought. Consequently, I found myself in unhealthy relationships, accepting undesired jobs, and conforming to others' expectations.

Yes, I may sound overly negative, but here comes the big "but": that was the old me. The current version of me, Kerri, has evolved immensely. I no longer seek security in predefined paths. I have shed the old habits, thoughts, and behaviors. The transformation into today's Kerri demanded immense courage, a trait I never associated with myself in the past. Yet, I now say it proudly and humbly, acknowledging the sacrifices made along the way.

I am resilient, beautiful, and imperfect, but now I dare to dream of a better future. These dreams are not just for me but also for my children, my wife, and my loved ones. Through a career dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams, I have learned how to manifest my own aspirations.

The past year has been a remarkable journey. Starting my own business, participating in 5k runs, and even climbing mountains were endeavors I never thought I would pursue. Previously lacking the courage to chas

e my dreams, I now hold a deep faith in my personal truths, unswayed by external influences. My beliefs are rooted in my own experiences, guiding me towards my authentic path and empowering me to bring my dreams to fruition.

While I cherish my past, I am firmly focused on the future. I eagerly anticipate more adventures ahead!

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