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Writer's pictureKerri Bryant


Happy March everyone! I adore this month for its transformative nature. As the weather shifts and the seasons change, spring draws near, bringing with it a sense of renewal. March uniquely doubles as a verb, symbolizing the idea of marching forward into new beginnings. If you're born in March, you fall under the zodiac signs of Pisces or Aries, known for their compassionate and passionate traits, with Aries standing out as a confident leader.

Confidence, one of my 3 C's for Success tool, is crucial in any endeavor, whether personal or professional. It's about believing in your abilities and fostering growth-oriented thoughts and beliefs. Confidence doesn't come easy, especially when faced with new challenges or responsibilities, and like many other changes we want to improve on in our lives we must first check our thoughts and beliefs before trying to change behaviors, or actions. This is similar to a psychological theory known as Critical Behavior Theory (or CBT). This theory emphasizes the connection between our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

I recall a time when I needed to bolster my confidence. Transitioning from managing a smaller region to a much larger one was daunting, but I had to believe I could handle it. I went from supporting 3 states to 12 states, and my team of coaches doubled. What an incredible opportunity for me to continue to lift up and develop even more leaders, many of whom I still call my friends today. In 2023 when my career took a significant turn, I relied on my confidence and the support of a strong circle of leaders in my life to launch my own business. I'll never manifest my vision of supporting the dreams of others if I don't believe I can make my own come true.

One pitfall to watch out for on our quest for improving confidence is taking it too far. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance repels, but confidence attracts. Women, especially in leadership roles, must navigate this balance often and carefully to avoid being perceived as arrogant, or too aggressive. Our secret weapon to guard against arrogance is Humility. Humble confidence is the "it" factor I used to hire for years ago as a corporate recruiter. More than one thing can be true: you can fully believe in your capabilities and knowledge and still have a humble countenance. I have learned that this is a winning combination!

I want to give you a tool this month to help rewrite your own self-narrative to reflect more confidence:

  1. Begin with a negative dominant thought you have about yourself, your abilities, or your reputation.

  2. Write this thought down on paper.

  3. Now think of the possible root cause for this self-doubt. Was it wounding words someone said? Was it an event in your past? Is it due to lack of experience? Where did this thought come from?

  4. Write down where you believe this negative dominant thought originated.

  5. Now rewrite the negative dominant thought. For example: if you said "I'm not a people person" you could rewrite this to say "I need people in my life, and I need to learn how to be more comfortable around others."

The power in this tool is the act of getting these thoughts out of your head and onto paper! When you write down a negative thought it externalizes it, making it more concrete and easier to rewrite objectively. To reinforce the new, positive thought you must also take action! Put it on a post-it note and keep it close to your computer screen, or stick it to your bathroom mirror. Share this new thought with someone and use the words out loud. When we speak optimal words they make a home in our hearts.

As a leader, empowering others' confidence is paramount. But we must also walk in humble confidence ourselves. Encouragement and support can go a long way in helping someone's belief in themselves and reach their full potential. And if you need this, surround yourself with encouragement, and encouraging people.

Wherever you are on your confidence journey, take intentional steps today to rewrite your narrative and believe in your ability to succeed. And if you'd like more coaching on this topic, or information about my 3 C's Tool, message me below or shoot me an email directly at

I believe in you! You've got this!

-- Kerri

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